    Changelog Aug 26 2023

    Reward for newcomers

    If you’re new to Mochi on Telegram, why don’t go ahead and say hi to Mochi, 10 KEKK is waiting for you as a reward 😉

    Your balance is sifu safe

    Now whenever you connect Discord on Telegram, if previously you have balance on Telegram profile, it will be merged with those on Discord.

    A rather quite week?

    It may seems to you that there wasn’t much work done this week but in reality the team is working hard to make sure the WAGMI webcomic gets to your hand as soon as possible, along with a rad collection of new emojis
    Changelog Aug 19 2023

    New identity supported: Vault

    The team recently added support for a new Vault identity

    New Homepage

    A new way to view pay receipt

    Now whenever you tip or view your transactions, there will be a little short code attached to it that allows you to view the receipt on the web.

    Financial webcomic coming your way 🤙

    Inspired by thewokesalaryman series, the team at Console Labs gathered to publish their own version of financial webcomic with the aim to streamline economic knowledge to a younger audience